18 wheeler truck
Michael Gosnell, Knifes, Galaxy, Father, Water, Spyder vehicle
Michael Gosnell, Knifes, Galaxy, Father, Water, Spider vehicle
Nathan Pahlman
Makala Reid
Richard Reid
Rich Reid
Kona Reid
Nathan Joe Alex Pahlman
Kaylee Cheyenne Applehans
Kaylee Cheyenne young
Makala Ann Faye Gosnell
Richard Michael Reid
Hawaii flower, plane,dog paw print, friendship, music, h&k vp9 gun
Hawaii flower, plane, tattoos, dog paw print, friendship, music, h&k vp9
A Christian tribal tattoo similar to Hawaii tribes
A tribal sleeve tattoo incorporating Christian art
Japanese dragon black and white
Japanese dragon
Husband and wife, Hawaii,plane trip,tattoos, dog, friendship, music, driving
Hawaii, plane trip, tattoos, dog, friendship (my little buddy), music
Hawaii, first plane trip, Rich's tattoos, dogs, friendship (my little buddy), music,
Car rides, horror movies, blue heart, 1967 Chevy impala, coast trips, movie theater, long talks
Galaxy, aliens, supernatural, water, stars, sky, calm, funny, dirty jokes
Galaxy, aliens, supernatural, water, dad, stars, sky, calm, jokes
Galaxy, knifes, aliens, supernatural, water, dad, stars, sky, calm, jokes
Car rides, horror movies, blue heart, 1967 Chevy impala, coast trips, movie theater, long talks
Car rides, horror movies, coast trips, blue heart, movie theater, long talks
Car rides, horror, spontaneous coast trips, movie theater, long talks
Car rides, scream, spontaneous coast trips, movie theater, long talks
Galaxy, Alien, knifes
Alien, Galaxy
American traditional parrot
A cross with a crown of thorns around it
Photo tattoo
Biblical angels
Revelation 1 Jesus