Sunflowers and roses with the names Nick, David , Tiffani, Micheal, Samuel ,and Sarah separately in their own peddle on the flowers. Then honey bees with the names Noah, sapphire, Madison , and Lynnea separately on there on bee fling around the flower and butterflies with the names Bentley, Izabella, Dixi, Avalynn on there own butterflies flying around the flowers and Dragonflies with the names Olivia, Aurora, Stella, and Dean on their own dragonflie flying around the flower

Sunflowers and roses with the names Nick, David , Tiffani, Micheal, Samuel ,and Sarah separately in their own peddle on the flowers. Then honey bees with the names Noah, sapphire, Madison , and Lynnea separately on there on bee fling around the flower and butterflies with the names Bentley, Izabella, Dixi, Avalynn on there own butterflies flying around the flowers and Dragonflies with the names Olivia, Aurora, Stella, and Dean on their own dragonflie flying around the flower

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